Too Wheels & Urban Age


Why we love this brand

Many of you have asked me about this necklace, in fact people stop me on the street to ask me about it. The creator is Fabrizio Alessio, a young designer from Torino. In 2013 he launched the first open source sports wheel chair project called Too Wheels. Sports wheelchairs cost thousands of euros but Too Wheels is an open source platform that offers people the possibility of making their own custom designed sports wheel chairs at a fraction of the standard market prices. Fabrizio is bringing mobility to people who otherwise would never have the possibility of affording it. To subsidise Too Wheels he designs and sells stunning jewellery utilising the materials he uses in the kits for Too Wheels on his website UrbanAge. Please check out his website and support this incredibly talented and inspirational innovator!

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By Kiersten Pilar Miller