Giving Birth ~ A Guided Tour March 2020


Presenting the Birth Course I wish I had had! Learn what happens during labour and delivery, what to know for successful breastfeeding and how to take care of your newborn. This series of six meetings will include information on how your body changes during pregnancy, prenatal testing, the hormonal and physical processes that occur during labour and delivery, pain management,  and what happens when you are home with your little. We discuss birth plans and, for those of you delivering in Rome, we cover information on Roman hospitals, clinics and home birth and the clarification of roles of the Italian medical professions. Our mission is to arm you with enough information so you can have a birth as close to the one you desire as possible. This course is run by Gabriella Pacini, midwife, lactation consultant (IBCLC) and counsellor and Kiersten Miller her sidekick.

Tuesday evenings from 7pm – 9pm starting  March 3rd.

Maximum 6 couples. €250 per family. Pricing can be adjusted when needed, just contact us.