Prenatal Test Schedule


Compiled by Karin DeLucia, Midwife, Prenatal Masseuse, In Home Blood Sampling,


Prenatal Blood test for low-risk pregnancies.

Suggested by the Italian public health (Review 2016)

FIRST TRIMESTER (Within 13 weeks + 6 days )

-first obstetric visit

-blood count

-blood Group and Rh factor

-Coombs test (to repeat at 28 weeks)



-Rubella virus IgG IgM (to repeat at 17 weeks)

-Toxoplasmosis IgG IgM (if negative to repeat every 4/6 weeks)

-Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis) TPHA VDRL

-HIV test ( if it hasn’t been checked the months before)

-Urine test and Urine-colture

-Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG IgM (only with risk factors)

-Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (only with risk factors)

-Hepatitis C : HCV (only with risk factors)

-Obstetric Ultrasounds

-Prenatal test (Bi-test) HCG + Papp-a to do with another obstetric Ultrasounds for the nuchal translucency (between the 11 and 13 weeks + 6 days)

-Pap-Test (if the screening programme hasn’t been done)


Between 14 and 18 weeks + 6 days

-Prenatal test (Tri-test, AFP, HCG, E3)

-Glucose with 75gr of OGTT (ONLY with risk factors)

-Rubeo test at 17 weeks

-Toxoplasmosis (if the previous result was negative)

Between 19 and 23 week + 6 days

-Morphological Ultrasound (highly raccomended between 19 and 21 week + 0 days)

-Toxoplasmosis (if the previous result was negative)

Between 24 and 27 weeks + 6 days

– Urine test and urine-colture

– Toxoplasmosis (if the previous result was negative)

– Glucose with 75gr of OGTT (ONLY with risk factors)


Between 28 and 32 weeks + 6 days

-blood count

-Coombs test

-Obstetric Ultrasound ( ONLY in case of fetal , maternal or annessial patology)

– Toxoplasmosis (if the previous result was negative)

Between 33 and 37 weeks + 6 days

-blood count

-Hepatitis B ( HbsAg, anti HbsAg, anti HbcAg)

– Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis) TPHA VDRL

-HIV test

-Urine test and Urine-colture

– Toxoplasmosis (if the previous result was negative)

-Vaginal tampons for Beta hemolytic streptococcus (36-37 weeks)

From 41 week + 0 days on

-Obstetric Ultrasound for valutation of Amniotic Fluid (AFI)

-Cardiotocography (CTG)


For Further information:

Go on
click on “La Gravidanza”
look for “allegato 10B”
or simply ask to your midwife or Doctor (Gyn/Obs or GP).

Compiled by Karin DeLucia,